Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is Big Brother Watching You?

I just been informed that Lower Merion School District has been accused of using webcams in school-issued laptops to spy on students. In their homes. In their bedrooms. Naturally, they're denying the whole thing, but they have admitted that they have software that can remotely activate the student's webcams, and they tried to suspend a student for "inappropriate behavior" in his home, producing a picture taken of him in his bedroom.
All I can say is I told you so.
I was always suspicious of my high school's borderline-fascist behavior. They had eyes everywhere. We did manage to catch our assistant principal trying to pose as a student to infiltrate our Facebook pages. It wasn't hard- the man wasn't exactly bright...
So, which Big Brother should we fear? The government... or our schools?
Food for thought.
P.S. I bet my old school is reading this right now. Well guess what? You can't do anything to me! I'm freeee! Ha ha!
Keep fighting the Commies,


  1. ah, but the government is the schools...or is it that the schools are the government?... which begs the question, who is watching who, and do we fear them all, or do we just not give a darn.

    Nice slideshow pics btw...ha, guess now I'm watching you!

  2. Interesting thought...
    Glad you like my pics!


Fire at will.